In the place where God gets one’s attention or where God encounters one:
- One would see God
- One would hear God
- One would receive instruction & direction
Before God gets one’s attention, one would be causing trouble, using force, promoting self and getting stressed.
Examples are Moses & Saul:
- Moses was using force to attempt to deliver the Israelites, but until God encountered him (using the burning bush to draw his attention), he did not succeed (Exodus. 2:11-15; 3:1-17)
- Saul of Tarsus was using force to do what he called God’s work, but until God encountered him on the way to Damascus, he was heading towards destruction (Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-17)
In the place of encounter
- God would require holiness. He instructed Moses to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground (Exo. 3:5)
- God will humble one. He first allowed Saul to become blinded, then Saul knew he was encountering God (Acts 9:1-9)
- God will commission one. Both Moses and Saul were commissioned after purification and humbleness (Exo. 2:25; 37-12; Acts 9:10-16)