Read: Joshua 6:1-20

The God of the bible is One who advances His own people to greatness in life. In the biblical story recorded in Joshua 6, we see the Commander of the army of the Lord (5:14) revealing some advancement (taking over) tactics to Joshua. I hereby begin by declaring to you that the information you need in order to move forward in life shall not be hidden from you in Jesus name.

God is not unjust, He instructs His people to always offer peace before a take-over (Deut. 20:10), but because the devil is stubborn, he puts forth all forms of barriers against the advancement of God’s people. It must have been that peace was first offered to Jericho but they refused, if we follow the Deut. 10:10 method. This is why Joshua 6:1 records that “… Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel …” (NKJV), meanwhile the food and goodies that they needed were in Jericho. I declare that all doors that have been shut against your wellness, peace and advancement shall be opened unto you supernaturally in Jesus name.

Are there financial doors shut against your academic advancement or simple ability to make ends meet daily? Do you feel that the door of happiness are shut against your marriage? Are your children not bringing you peace of mind? Do you feel sick in the body or mind? Are you being cheated and or deprived of you rights? Are you not understanding the bible when you read? Are there favors you covet in this country? Do you feel stuck in some areas of life because of the tight grip of the devil over you?

Take these steps:

  • Get into praying: Prayer that God will instruct you on how to experience breakthrough and advance in life (Joshua 6:2-5). Without instruction, one is left fearful and frustrated. It is written in Psalm 32:8 that, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you” (NIV). Pray that God will grant you the ability to persevere when you are in the process of advancement (Joshua 6:14-15). Also pray that God will assist you to run from sins (6:18). It is written, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 KJB)
  • Begin a life of praise: Singing and praising makes walls of problems crumble. As you praise the Lord, He will find solution to your problems (Joshua 6:4,20).
  • Take the word of God seriously: Get into reading the word of God so that your mind will be illuminated at all times. The people put the ark of God ahead of them. The word of God is the presence of God in your life. Once He is present, you will advance and take over (Joshua 6:4).
  • Begin to walk in obedience: There is no wall that Jesus cannot bring down if you trust, obey and depend on Him. Isaiah 1:19 says, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land;” (NIV). There is power in obedience – doing things the way God instructs you. Try this and you’ll begin to experience breakthrough in life.
  • Avoid claiming to be wiser than God: Though the way of the Lord may seem too simple to you, follow it anyway, you will advance without struggle. The people marched round the walls of Jericho with ordinary sounds of trumpet and shout; to their amazement they entered into gain (Joshua 6:8-20).