According to Malachi 3:10-12, there is a list of blessings for you as a tither that I’d like to bring your attention; believing that the knowledge of this will cause you to rejoice and remain grateful and faithful to God in what He has in stock for you. At the same time this will spur non-tithers to start tithing in order to come into the blessing realm that God has provided for them.
This scripture says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not (#1) throw open the floodgates (windows) of heaven and pour out (# 2) so much blessing that you (#3) will not have room enough for it. (#4) I will prevent pests (insects, diseases, unplanned and unnecessary expenses) from devouring your crops, and (#5) the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit (bringing forth unripe fruit or bringing forth before time),” says the Lord Almighty. (#6) “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty.
When people tithe, they are acknowledging the Almighty God who is the Founder of heaven and earth and the giver of all things. This is what Abram did when he returned from battle, giving the tithe of the spoil to the priest of God (Gen. 14:18-24).
#1. Tithers work under open windows of heaven
God says He will throw open the floodgates (windows) of heaven for tithers.
First of all I want to register that the blessings of tithers come from heaven, not from man. This verse says “windows of heaven.” Man cannot supply your needs enough, for they themselves have needs. The type of blessings that God promises is not a handout from man but outpouring from up on high. David said I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence come my help, my help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth (Ps. 121:1). Heaven locates God’s people where they are and brings them favor where they don’t know anybody.
Now speaking of windows, one Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo of KICC in U.K. said, “When window is open, you have light where there was darkness, you no longer experience confusion.”
When others are in darkness, tithers are in the light. When your window is open (because you tithe), you are able to see what God is about to do. Window is for vision. You will know where your favor lies and are able to go there, because you are looking through the window.
Jacob saw a ladder and he saw what had been scheduled for him in heaven (Gen. 28:10-17), then he said every tithe of what I get will go to God (Gen. 28:18-22). Your vision will guide you from today on in the name of Jesus.
“People who do not tithe are living in windowless house and windowless lives, because to those who tithe, God shall open windows of heaven.”
To operate without the window of heaven is to work under close heaven. Such man is blind and cannot see what is hidden. As photographers do, the only thing that is developed in the dark room is negatives.
But for tithers, since their windows are open, meaning they have light coming into their lives, they hear the words of God in Isaiah 60 which says, “Arise and shine for your light has come …”
In this scriptures are also listed the class of people that shall come to you (from verse 3).
#2. Tithers operate under “So much blessings”
He said He will pour upon you so much blessings; take a look at another long list of the “so much blessings” as shown in Deut. 28:1-14. Can you imagine living under this condition of blessings? Yes, it is possible if you and I will obey the commandments of God and worship Him with our tithes.
#3. No room enough to receive: When God brings you into your own blessing, you receive favor and are able to bless others. This is a favor that is so much, there is no room enough. There is something called “no room enough blessing.” This is a corporate anointing that makes good things happen to all the people in the church; So there should be no non-tithers in the church, so that there will be so much blessings in the church of God. This is a realm where you are so blessed and the people around you begin to benefit from it. You will begin to experience this in the might name of Jesus.
Here we see what happened to the widow in 2 kings 4:6 when God started to bless her. She was only limited by her inability to receive more. God’s blessings of peace and goodness are only limited by our own inability to contain them. This is the portion of tithers; begin to walk in this realm in Jesus name.
#4 –Tithers are exempted from the destructive dominion of devourers: God says, “I will prevent pests (insects, diseases, unplanned and unnecessary expenses) from devouring your crops,” and this is because Joel 1:4 helps us to know that one and be working and other people, things or situations destroying the fruit of the work.
For the disobedient, God can call for a drought upon their labor and everything around them (Haggai 1:11); but for tithers, God says He would guard your job against attacks and your income against waste and ruin.
***Stay tuned for #5 & #6; I know they are self-explanatory to encourage you to start doing the will of God.
If you are a tither but have not been enjoying these blessings, first search your heart to examine whether or not you are totally faithful in tithing; whether you give at your convenience or all the time and from all that you earn.
If you find yourself faithful, pray that God’s promises begin in your life today.
If you have not been faithful, pray to God that He would help you to trust Him for who He is.
If you just never believed in tithing, pray that God will help you hear him as He speaks to you and help you see what He has in store for you –to spur you into action.