The defines famine as “extreme and general scarcity of food, as in a country or a large geographical area.”
Famine is not good: During famine, people run out of food, money and possessions (including their lands), so they become enslaved for survival – trade in whatever they have for food, clothing and other needs (Gen. 47:13-26).
The bible helps us to know that there was a period of famine in the land of Egypt and its environment for some years. However, we see in the same story and several others that God provided for His own people during this period of famine. The way He did this was to relocate his own people to a place called GOSHEN.
So Goshen was the place (district) where the Hebrews lived when they came to Egypt.
Goshen represents
- The best of the land – Gen. 47:6,11. God has reserved the best for His own people. If you think you can never come out of the problems you are currently in, think again. As long as you are on the Lord’s side, He has the best for you and He will bring you there. God will give us the best this year in Jesus name. You deserve to live in the best neighborhood and enjoy the best of all things.
- A place where forgiven people live – Gen. 45:5-9. Joseph can be likened to Jesus Christ our Savior who was once despised by his own people but found it in His mercies to forgive us and bring us unto Himself – to make us royal priests, peculiar people and holy nations. Once you claim forgiveness by the blood of Jesus, you are destined for Goshen.
- A place of nearness to our provider (so that He can provide for us, nourish and protect us). For joseph’s family, to be in Goshen (a place near to him) was to be in a place of provision and protection. For us, the nearer we are to God, the more our chance of enjoying His provision, nourishment and protection – Gen 45:10-11. People of God, make up your mind to draw near to God from this year on. The book of James 4:8 says, “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” He wants to provide for you, nourish you and protect you from unemployment, sickness, disease, failure, trauma, etc.
- A place of immunity from lack, hunger and suffering (Gen. 47:27) – “Meanwhile, the people of Israel settled in the region of Goshen in Egypt. There they acquired property, and they were fruitful, and their population grew rapidly.” NLT
- A place of distinction and immunity from plagues (Exodus 8:22) – “But on that day I will deal differently with the land of Goshen, where my people live; no swarms of flies will be there, so that you will know that I, the LORD, am in this land.” Exo. 9:6
To get to Goshen
- We need leading (Gen. 46:28). Joseph showed the way to Goshen. May the Lord us to where our blessings are. May God raise for us a Joseph who can bring us to our Goshen.
You must come nearer to Christ so that He can settle you in a realm of His peace and blessings. Jacob and his children got tired of famine and starvation, so they travelled to the land of Egypt to find food. Although the Egyptians were also starving, but God had already made a provision for His own children who were travelling from afar. If you can leave your place of sin now and come to the Lord, He will settle you in Goshen – His own place of nourishment and protection. Are you willing to relocate?
Jacob and his children were once far away in suffering, but later came to Goshen. I invite you to come today and draw near to God by the help of the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Eph. 2:13 says, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”
Pray that you will surrender yourself to the Lord whenever He is relocating you.
Pray that you will work with faith, trusting that the Lord can and will provide for all your needs.
Pray that God will maintain you in His blessings, regardless of what the economy around you is dictating.
Pray that God will keep you immune from all plagues, infirmities, lacks and evil.
Sir, I am greatly blessed by your message.More grace upon your life and ministry.
Min. Sola OLADELE from Nigeria.
Yes my brother, may the power of the word of God continue to uphold you. Thanks for sharing
God will always make you stand out for good in Jesus name.