One thought on “Contact

  1. Good day sir, how is your ministry and family, thank you for taking care of our baba Obadare, i pray that the Almighty God will empower the word of your mouth to be acceptable more than before in Jesus Name.

    1. Thanks Seun for your concern and prayers. God is upholding the ministry and I pray that He will continue to bless you.

  2. Hi Pastor

    My condolences on passing of your dad. Was wondering if am able to contact Seun Obadare were @ same school in Ibadan in the late 70’s.

    1. All is well, we give all praise to the Lord for a life lived in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks

  3. Greetings Pastor Seun Obadare,
    It is well with you and your family in Jesus name. Accept my condolence for passing on to glory of Daddy. He was indeed a blessing to me, family and ministry. His good works abound.
    I pray the Holy Spirit will comfort the family and ministry. Be strengthened in the Holy Spirit.
    I miss you.

    It is well.

    Segun Komolafe (Methoo).
    Toronto , Canada.

    1. Thanks so much my brother. Wao, it is good to hear from you (UP METHOO).
      I appreciate your condolences and pray that God sustain us all in His will.
      Our task is to carry o the work in ways that please God.

      Thanks much.

  4. Dear Sir/ Madam,
    With this brief message, we are kindly encouraging persons to examine the matter of who should be worshiped. Many people worship Jesus. However, Jesus himself said at Matthew 4:10 that only God, the Father, Jehovah, should be worshiped. At John 20:17, Jesus admitted that he had a God, thus showing clearly that he (Jesus) is NOT God. Also, at John 17:3, Jesus made a clear distinction between himself and the ONLY true God. “ONLY”, as we know, means “ONE”. So Jesus indicated that he was a different person from the ONE true God. The context, John 17:1, shows that Jesus was praying to the Father, whom he referred to as the ONLY true God. This matter is so very important because the fact that Jesus is not God, means that worship of Jesus is useless, in vain. Jesus does NOT accept worship since he rightfully said that worship belongs to the Father as clearly shown at John 4:23. Thus, Jehovah, the Father of Jesus, is the only one to be worshiped. Moreover, at John 4:23, 24 Jesus mentioned that the Father ( Jehovah ) is seeking true worshipers to worship Him in TRUTH. To do so, among other things, a person MUST worship Jehovah, NOT Jesus. Please examine this matter very carefully. Further, check out the website for further useful information. You may also request a Bible Study course at that website. Thank you for reading.

    1. Yes, thanks for sharing. We serve God Almighty through His Son Jesus Christ.

      God bless.

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