Scripture: Esther 6:1-end

Usually when we think of a king, we think of wealth, power, decorations, big edifice, authority, glamour, etc., but God has it such that in the life a king there is everything else. In fact, there is bad dream or sleepless night – as in the case of this king in Esther 6.

It’s amazing how God works:

  • Just when some people are plotting to bring the king down, God is using that plot to advance Mordecai.
  • Just when Haman was plotting to destroy Mordecai and the Jews, God was plotting to raise Mordecai and free / empower the Jews.
  • Yes, I see God doing something in your life also. Just as some kind of disappointment is raring its ugly head in your life, God is planning to use the same situation to bring you honor and dignity.

Today, God will make something unusual to happen concerning you so that God’s program will become highlighted in your life.

When God opens a book of remembrance for a person:

  1. All things begin to work together for their good ( 8:28). The only caution I must sound is that you should make sure that it is goodness that you are doing, so that it can work together for another good in your life.
    1. Sleepless night for the king worked together for Mordecai’s honor
    2. Haman’s plot worked together for Mordecai’s elevation and safety
    3. Haman was bringing a persecuting /prosecuting letter against Mordecai, but it worked together to bring good chronicles / letters concerning Mordecai for upliftment
  2. He overrules the programming and intents of adversaries:
    1. He overrules the intent of Haman over Mordecai
  3. He uses the same object in the hands of the devil to cause salvation for His own people
    1. The same Red Sea that Pharaoh thought would destroy the Israelites was what God used to save them and destroy Pharaoh and his troops
  4. It becomes too late for your adversary to prevail again you

A sleepless night might be

  • a guilty conscience that someone must have – that have forgotten to treat you right
  • a heavy impression upon someone’s heart to do you good
  • a remembrance in the mind of someone to pay you what they’ve owed you for a long time
  • a bill in Congress that will give you a break in your immigration matters


Now, verse 2 of Esther 6 reveals that it was found written that Mordecai had foiled a plot to kill the king. This is something good. The question now is, when a book of records is opened, what would be found written about you?

  • When your church opens the book of tithe payers, will your name be there?
  • When fellow church members are killing your pastor with their mouths, as the eunuchs and other gatemen were plotting to kill the king, will you join them? Don’t forget, a book of remembrance will be opened one day.
  • When the roll is called up yonder at the end of age, will God find any good to remember you for? The bible says a book will be opened.

Mordecai was found to be a faithful servant; when the book is opened, will you be found to be a faithful servant?

Jesus teaches about judging us based on our works; see Matt. 25:21; Matt. 16:27. Even if we don’t pray this prayer of “open a book of remembrance for me oh God,” the book will be opened anyway. Revelations 20:11-15 affirms this. The dead will come out again to be judged by an open book – according to their deeds. What are your deeds now? They are all being written in a book. One day the book will be opened and you’ll be judged by its content, just as Mordecai’s fate was determined by the content of the Chronicles in the book. At that time, it won’t be earthly promotion, honor or dignity, it would be heaven or hell. Please give your life to Jesus and He can erase all bad deeds in your records now, then begin to help you write good deeds from now on so that when your book is opened, you will enter into heaven.  Give praise to God if your name is written in the book of life – Luke 10:20.

Let us pray.