I wish to share with you a desire that I believe you too will pray about. It is the desire to be promoted to a higher level of relationship with God. The inspiration for this became more intense as the Lord took me to the transfiguration story that is recorded in the gospel according to St. Mark chapter 9:2-13
It caught my attention that only Peter James and John were invited or taken up to the mount of transfiguration (Mk 9:2), though Jesus had many disciples. Further I notice on other occasions that Jesus always took only these three people whenever some deep and serious issues needed to be tackled. Let us recall the story in the book of Mark 5:35-43 where Jesus was going to raise a dead girl, “He permitted no one to follow Him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James” (verse 37). The same thing happened in the book of St. Matthew 26:36-46 – where Jesus needed to say some serious prayers in preparation for His death on the cross. Verse 37 records that “… He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, …” These reoccurrences call me to pray that the Lord will have mercy on me and choose me to be among those He would take up to a higher level in Him. I pray this same prayer for you in Jesus name. The bible says Jesus took and led them up on a high mountain. Jesus has to take and lead you to a height in Him, so you may experience another dimension of His awesomeness.
Once you get to a higher level in Christ:
(a) You will begin to see what others are not privileged to see in the spiritual realm, though they attend the same church with you or minister as you do. Mk 9:2-4 informs us that those three disciples got to see Jesus transfigured; they got to experience His glory; they got to see Him in a dimension they never experienced before. May you and I be taken to a higher level in Christ and may our inner eyes be open. At higher level, you see different things and you see things differently.
(b) You will enjoy such a sense of peace and awe, to the point that you would never want to leave such a realm. Peter asked Jesus at this point to let them build a tent right there on the mountain (Mark 9:5). It is possible that Peter, James and John had family members and relatives at home, but when they saw the glory of God, they no longer consider it necessary to go back home. I pray that God will bring you up to a level in Him where the things of the world no longer appeal to you but you always want to do the will of God and remain in His presence. It’s a level; God will get you there.
(c) You will hear exclusive information that is not released to everybody else. Peter, James and John got to hear the voice of God saying, “This is my Beloved Son, Hear Him!” (Mark 9:7). This is the level where you begin to hear the voice of God, regardless of the noise around you. This is the level at which the Lord begins to speak to your inner person concerning issues of life. Don’t you covet to be at this level? May the Lord bring you up and begin to speak His voice to confirm His call over your life in Jesus name.
(d) You will be treated as matured by the Lord who will commit secret things of His kingdom to you. In Mk. 9:9-10 Jesus asked them to keep to themselves all they had seen. Indeed they kept it as instructed. As yourself these questions and more: does the Lord trust me enough to keep any deep things of the kingdom or concerning some important issues in my hands? Has God ever revealed any secret to me which I am to keep confidential? Does God talk to me at all? Can He trust me with the flock He has committed into my hands? Can He trust me with the family He has asked me to nurture on His behalf? This is another level of walking with Jesus. May God take you up there in Jesus name.
It is my prayer that the Lord will moved you up this year in Jesus name.